In the construction of pharmaceutical, life sciences, or medical-use vessels, meeting the RA requirement may include several steps, including material selection, grinding, polishing and chemical finishing. Manufacturing processes can affect the RA measurement on stainless material, including forming, stamping and welding. In the video, we walk out of the manufacturing plant with our quality controls manager to show measurements on material in vessels being manufactured in various stages of production.
Pickle Passivation and Electropolishing chemical finishes have a high degree of improvement on RA smoothness compared to material before it is treated. Pickle passivation, also referred to as descaling, removes the scales and leaves a clean matte finish, free from contamination. Electropolishing is an electrochemical process that dissolves surface metal, removing all embedded contaminants and creates a smooth, mirror finish.
ASTM International (American Standard for Testing and Materials) is one of several standards that Apache upholds. ASTM A967 is the standard specification for Chemical Passivation Treatment for Stainless Parts. ASTM B912 is the standard specification for electropolishing stainless steel alloys. The ASME-Bioprocessing Equipment (BPE) standard was created for the pharmaceutical and bioprocessing industry. The BPE surface finish standard classifies surface finishes and the acceptance criteria for compliance.
In the business of compliance vessels, there are numerous standards that are required to deliver the necessary codes in any given project. Follow our videos, blogs and e-books developed specifically to help our processing customers understand the manufacturing and compliance process.
This video is a brief overview how Apache defines a base, mid, and high-level sanitary vessels.
Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation is a manufacturer of stainless equipment for a range of hygienic industries, including, food, beverage, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, cannabinoid, and life sciences.
A dedicated quality control and compliance team directs all tests, certificates and documents for all sanitary, ASME, and global standards.
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ASME(美国机械工程师协会)是机械工程领域的规范和标准的领先开发者。ASME规范第VIII节详细介绍了有关容器设计的强制性规则,包括压力容器的工程、制造和测试。这些标准加强了公共安全和健康,促进了质量和创新。以下是ASME压力容器结构的主要参数概述,以及与之配套的ASME测试要求。< / p >
Parameters such as wall thickness, material, and flange rating are determined by the application, including pressure, temperature, corrosion allowance, and fluid flow. These conditions are calculated and reviewed/approved by the ASME inspector when required per code. Stainless, Hastelloy, AL6XN, duplex, and Inconel materials are ASME-approved materials for pressure vessel construction in the pharmaceutical, life sciences, and health-related industries, of which Apache is qualified to fabricate.
ASME standards also define the quality, type, and finishing of the welds. Head styles (ASME F&D, 80:10, 2:1 Elliptical), seams, nozzles, manways, and other components are designed per ASME Code. Applicable ASME Code welding procedures must be followed using certified ASME welders to maintain the structural integrity of an ASME pressure vessel. Welders must be certified to a qualified weld specification qualified per ASME code guidelines.
Safety Components
Gauges, valves, pressure outlets, and drainage are required safety components in ASME design pressure vessels. The proper selection of components and design is critically important to the safety and performance of the ASME vessel. The selection of safety components needs to be evaluated closely to define the required scope of supply.
There is another ASME specification to ensure the quality and safety of parts used in pharmaceutical, bio-processing, and other industries requiring a hygienic vessel, called ASMP-BPE. BPE (Bio Processing Equipment Standard) specifies the surface finishes RA (roughness average) requirements and pickle passivation and electropolishing requirements.
Tests & Certification
There are significant testing, certifications, and documentation requirements for ASME compliance and satisfying the numerous customer requirements. Many require ASME inspection as well as a TOP (turnover packet). Some ASME testing and certification requirements include pneumatic, hydrostatic, liquid penetrant, saline, riboflavin, CIP coverage, material, base metal thickness, material trace, welder trace, Ferroxyl, PMI (Positive Material Identification) radiography, and UT.
Apache has been ASME certified for over 40 years. In addition to ASME, Apache is accredited in many other global standards. By setting parameters for quality and compliance, we offer greater value for our custom stainless ASME tanks and vessels.
认证//“target=”\u blank“>ASME认证。要求符合国家锅炉和压力容器委员会规范。压力容器制造商还必须按照ASME材料规范、证书和焊接资质进行制造。
其他认证在制药、生命科学和健康行业也至关重要。确认所有行业合规标准,包括:ASME UM
压力容器制造商必须具有容器类型的专业知识//“target=”\u blank“>行业船舶使用经验。关键员工、制造商和焊工必须通过ASME认证。所有焊工必须获得制造定制压力容器所需焊接程序的批准。
船舶可能需要服务有几个原因,然而,两个主要导致为什么船舶可能需要服务是事故或性能。 p>
在事故的情况下,例如工具掉落进入坦克并造成损坏;通常可以在现场修复表面划痕和凹痕,只要它们不会超出最低要求,具有机械抛光或手/棒电抛光。 p>
降低的搅拌器性能或故障通常是由于磨损的部件,装配不当或弯曲或破碎的轴。搅拌器维修可以通过搅拌器制造商或船舶制造商来解决,具体取决于失败的情况,暂停时间和严重程度。 p>
•出口的密封不当或不正确的密封件•缺口,划痕或误操作的密封件 p>
最好的做法是避免产品浪费和关键 down-time is to inventory seals for all outlets and manage seals in a preventative maintenance program.
It is important to note that any weld repairs to the ASME pressures zones on tanks, require an R-Stamp. The R-Stamp is a certification required by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels for repair of an ASME tank or vessel.
Depending on the size of the vessel and type of repair, Apache’s service techs may be able to make repairs on site or in some cases, tanks are shipped back to the factory. Apache can provide services including:
• Field service and troubleshooting to all types of stainless and high alloy tanks
• ASME / National Board R-Stamp repair and modifications
• Surface finish repairs
• Non-code repairs and modifications including piping and heat transfer jackets
• Seal and agitation repairs and modifications
• Accessory repairs
• Head and tank shell repairs
• Leak detection
• Audit and service contract available
不锈钢通用容器入门价格较低。根据工艺和对产品的需求,通用容器可能为小型制造商服务多年。点胶和储存容器,真空和低压容器是通用应用的常见例子。< / p >
However, when demand outpaces production, the manufacturer may require a vessel that is customized for the processing needs. Here is a case story of a manufacturer that switched from a general use to a custom ASME pressure vessel:
BEFORE: A fast-growing botanical extraction processor was unable to produce the quantity of product needed to fulfill demand. Their process involved an imported general use vessel that was placed in a rudimentary ice bath for temperature control. This process resulted in waste of non-consistent product and constant staffing and manual intervention to monitor and adjust.
AFTER: Apache's small vessel team provided an ASME processing vessel that completely replaced their batch process. The new vessel was designed with a thermal heat jacket that heated and cooled the product to the exact temperature required for the extraction process. The ASME vessel was jacketed with tri-clamp ferrules and included a site glass and high-pressure sanitary fittings. The vessel has a pickle passivated finish that provides ease of sanitation between batches.
While the price point for a custom manufactured vessel was higher than a general use tank, the ability to quadruple production off-set the cost of the vessel and resulted in a quick return on investment. Apache's custom vessel runs continuously day and night; it eliminated product waste and removed employee monitoring and intervention.
Visit standard vessels or visit custom ASME vessels, for more information!
不锈钢板和板材是在美国生产的,这是阿帕奇的坦克,容器和食品加工设备的主要基础材料。此外,大多数哈氏合金和其他高合金性能的金属材料是在美国制造的。另一方面,管道和配件主要来自国外供应商,因为国内没有足够的需求。根据政治气候的不同,进口关税会影响从中国和其他国家进口钢铁材料的成本和可得性。一些行业需要来自国外市场的产品,这些产品可能是特定的薄片、尺寸和材料类型,但这些行业将为此支付额外的费用,并可能需要延长交货时间。作为一个不锈钢的重要用户的好处之一是与不锈钢生产商和分销商的关系。阿帕奇的钢铁供应商将一部分钢材分配给阿帕奇,后者提供的供应交易相对较短。 When we have a line on repetitive need, we initiate inventory strategies to keep our supply as fluid as possible. Many other components and materials are affected by timing and supply; Apache understands lead times and availability and also leverages relationships to manage delivery to provide the best timing possible.
Our suppliers understand our needs and hold a higher level of steel quality. The relationship and partnership with our steel vendors has strengthened our expectations, with some partnerships lasting up to 45 years when Apache was founded.
Apache uses more than 2000 tons of stainless and high alloy per year. We are in the business of heavy gauge commercial manufacturing of custom equipment for high-compliance industries. Our ability to manage domestic and foreign material as well as price, timing and quality of all material and components is resolved for serving over 100 industries represented by our industrial and commercial processing customers.
在船舶制造中有许多行业特定的认证,规范船舶的建造。然而,对于许多类型的压力容器,除了其他行业要求外,还需要ASME认证,因为容器的几何形状和压力标识。任何满足ASME规范第VIII节要求的罐都可以获得认证。这种认证通常被称为“盖章”,因为代码符号最常用的是使用盖章过程。以下是ASME U和ASME UM符号和认证的主要区别。< / p >
ASME Certification with U Symbol
ASME UM Symbol
Note that there may be exceptions to the ASME Certification requirements, depending on your state and local municipality.
Apache manufactures tanks and vessels for compliance and regulated industries, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, petrochemical, biofuels, chemical and life science. We hold these certifications: ASME U Certificate, ASME UM Certificate, National Board of Boiler & Pressure Inspectors R Certificate, and National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Authorization to Register Certificate.
Questions? Please call and ask for a Sales / ASME Specialist at 920-356-9900.
为了帮助通知我们的坦克和船只客户有关夹套船只和热交换表面,Apache分享了内部专家生产的电子书,“Asme船传热表面的摘要和属性”。 p>
夹套血管用于许多行业,可以去除升高的反应热(热反应器容器)或降低高粘度流体的粘度。基本上有三种类型的外夹克传热表面:传统的夹套,半管夹套和凹陷夹套,它们焊接到容器的外部。内部线圈也可以用作单独的选项或与其他类型的外部夹克组合使用。 p>
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