在建造制药,生命科学或医疗用途容器时,满足RA要求可能包括几个步骤,包括材料选择、研磨、抛光和化学整理。制造工艺会影响不锈钢材料的RA测量,包括成形、冲压和焊接。 In the video, we walk out of the manufacturing plant with our quality controls manager to show measurements on material in vessels being manufactured in various stages of production.
Pickle Passivation and Electropolishing chemical finishes have a high degree of improvement on RA smoothness compared to material before it is treated. Pickle passivation, also referred to as descaling, removes the scales and leaves a clean matte finish, free from contamination. Electropolishing is an electrochemical process that dissolves surface metal, removing all embedded contaminants and creates a smooth, mirror finish.
ASTM International (American Standard for Testing and Materials) is one of several standards that Apache upholds. ASTM A967 is the standard specification for Chemical Passivation Treatment for Stainless Parts. ASTM B912 is the standard specification for electropolishing stainless steel alloys. The ASME-Bioprocessing Equipment (BPE) standard was created for the pharmaceutical and bioprocessing industry. The BPE surface finish standard classifies surface finishes and the acceptance criteria for compliance.
In the business of compliance vessels, there are numerous standards that are required to deliver the necessary codes in any given project. Follow our videos, blogs and e-books developed specifically to help our processing customers understand the manufacturing and compliance process.
accrecitations strong> p> b>定制和压力容器制造商必须具有 ASME认证。符合国家锅炉和压力容器代码的遵守情况。压力容器制造商还必须制造给ASME材料规格,证书和焊接资格。 p> 其他认证在制药,生命科学和卫生行业也至关重要。确认所有行业合规标准,包括: 质量保证与合规性 strong> p> b>验证制造商有专用质量保证团队。所有全球认证计划都有显着的测试,认证和文档要求。内部检查服务对ASME项目有益。审查应包括的服务: The pressure vessel manufacturer must have expertise in the type of vessel and industry experience for the use of the vessel. Critical staff, fabricators, and welders must be ASME certified. All welders must be approved for the weld procedures required to make custom pressure vessels. Experience and reputation are also significant when developing relationships with inspectors, agencies, and governing officials to keep the compliance process moving forward smoothly. Service & Support Above all, assess the service and support provided by the manufacturer. The vessel manufacturer should be able to articulate technical discussions and be open and honest with timelines, cost, and compliance-related issues. Consider other research and questions, such as: • Is the proposal easy to understand and compare solutions?
•BPE p>
•Riboflavin / CIP(干净的)覆盖测试
•翻页包(顶部) required
• Do you have direct access to the engineer for questions?
• Does the company provide timely and accurate documentation?
• Does the company offer after-market parts and field service?
制造商业原装设备中使用的钢材必须适合最终用户的性能,定价,交货时间和质量要求。工业设备,如Apache,必须利用与米尔斯和合作供应商的关系来管理不断变化的市场。Apache的不锈钢材料计划的一部分采购计划,重点是与国内外质量供应商合作。 p>
不锈钢板材和板材在美国生产,这是坦克,船舶和食品加工设备的大部分Apache的基础材料。此外,大多数Hastelloy和其他高合金性能金属材料在美国制造。另一方面,管道和配件主要来自外国供应商,因为国内没有足够的需求可用性。 p>
取决于政治气候,进口关税影响来自中国等国家的钢材的成本和可用性。有些行业要求来自外国市场的产品,这些市场可能是特定的表格,尺寸和材料类型,但这些行业将为其支付溢价,并且可能会延长交货时间。 p>
作为不锈钢的重要用户的一个好处是与不锈钢生产商和分销商的关系。 Apache’s steel venders allocate an allotment of material to Apache, which affords relatively short transactions for supply. When we have a line on repetitive need, we initiate inventory strategies to keep our supply as fluid as possible. Many other components and materials are affected by timing and supply; Apache understands lead times and availability and also leverages relationships to manage delivery to provide the best timing possible.
Our suppliers understand our needs and hold a higher level of steel quality. The relationship and partnership with our steel vendors has strengthened our expectations, with some partnerships lasting up to 45 years when Apache was founded.
Apache uses more than 2000 tons of stainless and high alloy per year. We are in the business of heavy gauge commercial manufacturing of custom equipment for high-compliance industries. Our ability to manage domestic and foreign material as well as price, timing and quality of all material and components is resolved for serving over 100 industries represented by our industrial and commercial processing customers.
apache是坦克和船只的定制制造商。由于我们的定制提供,我们希望提供您需要的确切船只;这可能会导致许多问题和来回答复。如果您没有规格列表,则此处有5个建议您确定坦克何时确定。 p>
1。确定压力和温度。强>设计标准,压力和温度要求会影响材料等级,厚度,配件和部件的兼容性,以及弹性体选择。以下物品可能有助于确定压力和温度。 p> 2。确定所需的认证类型。 strong>识别规划目的所需的认证和文档类型(翻转数据包)是有利的。 The following are common requested certificates.
的小型/便携式容器组产生专业 ASME 船,客户需要为他们的极端调节的过程。Apache的制造定制混合罐,储罐,夹套容器,热交换表面,提取设备。 p>
Apache的不锈钢设备公司采用专家和工匠在不锈钢设备制造用于各种行业。我们的不锈钢及高合金容器的专业显示在Apache的储罐和容器在饮料,生物技术,生命科学,制药,食品加工等行业。 p>
的Apache提供工程设计和3D建模,以客户的设计条件并为每个容器项目ASME要求。我们有一个专门的质量和合规性的团队,专注于鉴定,测试和符合性文件。 p>
除了ASME,阿帕奇也认可在其他许多全球标准。通过设定质量和法规遵从的参数,我们为我们的设备产品更大的价值 p>
From precise quality control to documentation requirements, Apache is committed to bio-pharma processors to help with their processing and manufacturing goals. We manufacture our own components including dimple sheet or half pipe exchange surfaces, man ways, flanged and dished heads, leaders, platforms, support structures and custom vessel internals. Apache offers in-house polishing, passivation, electropolishing, riboflavin and saline testing.