Apache不锈钢的博客 阿帕奇不锈钢设备公司//www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog 蓝色区域:回顾的一年 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/blue-zones-the-year-in-review?postid=52 企业,一般 2020年9月15日星期二11:53:00格林尼治时间

Apache庆祝作为BlueZones批准的工作场所一年。“蓝色区域项目”是一项针对各个社区的福祉改善计划,旨在通过对环境、政策和社会网络的永久改变,支持更长久、更美好的生活。蓝色区域项目被带到道奇县部分是通过赞助的马歇尔菲尔德医疗中心在海狸坝。道奇县是威斯康星州第一个蓝色区域项目示范基地。< / p >

As a Blue Zones Worksite, Apache has met the official qualifications, including offering benefits and programs that provide employees with a safe and ergonomic work environment, purposeful volunteering and community engagement, support of family, social events, healthy choices, financial well-being and overall mental and health balance.

Some of the past year's activities were a monthly walk-bike-ride share promotion and drawing, quarterly volunteer incentives, organized social activities, sports related and healthy choice prizes at employee events, numerous health and wellness incentives and presentations.

During this unprecedented COVID-19 Pandemic, we are focusing on the overall health and safety of our employee-owners with specific guidelines and schedule adjustments for social distancing, continuous information, resources and flexibility to stay safe.

精益计划促进客户忠诚度 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/lean-initiatives-promote-customer-loyalty?postid=54 企业,一般 2020年5月12日星期二21:39:00格林尼治时间

< p> 一切都是定制的,以精确的客户规格或提供专有的解决方案。由于我们的定制业务的性质,Apache有一个完善的持续改进倡议,以减少浪费和控制成本,以推动三个主要目标:消除工作场所风险,创建全面持续改进文化和全面客户满意度。

Eliminate Workplace Risk: Apache looks to Eliminate not only big, compliance type risks, but also small Risk to employees in the Workplace .


All-in Continuous Improvement Culture: Apache通过战略团队、焊接步骤程序、导师和主管培训和战术团队来促进建立过程。沟通通过CI TV员工视频、店铺监控、运营会议和其他内部营销方式进行。< / p >

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Apache’s brand is our quality, cost, timing and service.  In reducing all types of waste, controlling costs, using resources efficiently, minimizing material handling and improving operational and educational communications, Apache will be providing the best product and service possible to the market.   

"Ultimately" does not exist with this initiative, it is a thought process of continuous improvement for the purpose to achieve and sustain operational excellence to improve the customer experience, the workplace and the lives of Apache’s employee-owners.

宣布安全的在线顶级文件 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/announcing-secure-online-top-documents?postid=48 一般 2020年2月11日星期二13:01:00格林尼治标准时间

Learn more

从2020年开始开展社区支持活动 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/starting-2020-with-community-support-activities?postid=47 一般 2020年1月27日星期一21:35:54格林尼治时间


Apache最近组织了一个食物驱动道奇县食品储藏室,我们提供了足够的食物,以填满后面的F150福特皮卡!道奇县近10%的居民粮食不安全;45%是儿童,25%是老人。< / p >

Dodge County Food Pantry extends a big thank you to Apache for organizing the food drive and to employees who brought in donations, and packed, loaded and delivered food. 

The Salvation Army reports a successul Red Kettle fundraiser for the 2019 season, and is appreciative of Apache employees taking turns with shifts to sponsor an entire day of continuous bell ringing.

新电子书:工厂测试和ASME认证解释 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/new-e-book-factory-tests-and-asme-certifications-explained?postid=35 GeneralSanitary坦克 2018年3月6日星期二19:13:00格林尼治时间 < p > < a href = " //www.fitcoachu.com/Portals/0/Documents/White文件/ Identifying-Factory-Tests-Codes.pdf吗?ver=2018-03-02-095625-083" >质量保证的一个重要部分是制造一个容器的过程和完成所需的认证以满足ASME合规。 同样重要的是,从项目工程经理到采购团队的各方对这些过程和程序的理解。


转动轮子-了解我们的团体! //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/spin-the-wheel-learn-about-our-groups?postid=28 合同制造,合同服务,一般,金属加工 2017年5月23日星期二14:33:27格林尼治时间






了解更多关于Apache的产品组在关于我们!< / > < / >强
新手册更新:大型ASME罐和船 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/new-brochure-update-large-asme-tanks-and-vessels?postid=27 GeneralPharmaceutical坦克 2017年4月25日星期二20:54:08 GMT

在成型、焊接、机械抛光等所有加工操作完成后,建议使用钝化处理作为最后的清洁处理。阿帕奇可以使任何尺寸的坦克和船只钝化。联邦规范ASTM A380 &A967

Electropolishing: Electropolishing is specified as a finish in many pharmaceutical, health and biotechnology industry tanks.
不锈钢材料浸泡在电解液中受电流影响。表面污染被溶解,产生镜面般的,极其光滑的光洁度。联邦规范。ASTM B912。

机器人和机械抛光: Apache有设备完成容器内部和外部所需的RA值。


TOP Packages: Apache provides full TOP Documentation for your vessel project, including hyperlinked Table of Contents and Bookmarks. Large file size TOP Packages are sent via FTP service.

Download our new brochure! 27 Apache Hosts Job Fair 2月25日 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-hosts-job-fair-feb-25?postid=23 一般 2017年2月20日星期一18:30:00格林尼治时间  src=
< p> < p>


周六,有兴趣的人可以来200w。工业驱动器在海狸坝,并通过建筑的前面进入。,我们将提供有关公司和福利的信息。个人可以在访问期间填写申请。< / p >

Specialists in welding and fabrication will be on hand to answer any questions about the work and the type of equipment we make at Apache. We are also offering plant tours where there are plenty of projects to see and learn about in various production stages.

Several of the positions we are looking to fill are welding positions.  We are offering on-site welding tests as part of the application process. Apache is ASME certified and continually invests in training and certifications for all our welders.

Please share this post with the skilled tradespeople in your network!

Visit Apache's Career Page.


Apache Hosts特别职业道路拨款新闻发布会 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-host-press-conference-for-special-career-pathways-grant?postid=22 一般 2017年1月11日星期三21:33:45 GMT < p > < img alt = " " src = " /门户/ 0 /图片/新闻/博客/ 0117 / CareerPathwaysGroup.jpg ?版本= 2017-01-11-145952-850 " / > < / p > < p > < >强威斯康辛州收到200万美元的赠款改善职业路径< /强> < / p > < p > < em >摩根大通和威斯康辛CCSSO宣布将拨款旨在连接学生和技能教育新闻的机会conference today at Apache Stainless in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

MADISON — A $2 million New Skills for Youth grant announced today at a press conference in Beaver Dam will strengthen and expand career-education opportunities for Wisconsin students. The state is one of 10 grant recipients announced by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and JPMorgan Chase. The three-year grant will allow Wisconsin to build on existing efforts in the state’s 16 technical college regions to connect student interests and workforce needs.

Wisconsin’s plan was developed in conjunction with the Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation and a host of collaborative public and private agencies and officials.

Read more about the program on-line.

顾客的圣诞邮件变成了食品分发室的美元 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/customer-christmas-email-turns-into-food-pantry-dollars?postid=19 一般 2016年12月21日星期三20:28:21 GMT < p > < img alt = " " src = " /门户/ 0 /图片/新闻/博客/ 0117 / ChristmasDonation16.jpg ?版本= 2016-12-21-140422-090 " / > < / p > < p >连续第四年,代替印刷和邮寄圣诞卡,Apache发送电子贺卡给客户承诺支付1美元每点击道奇县食品储藏室。今年我们收到了701次点击,所以我们的捐款是701.00美元。< span风格才能= "字体大小:14 px;字体样式:正常;font-variant-caps:正常;字母间距:0 px;无衬线字体类型:opensans;“>我们听到不少客户对参与我们的社区努力表示赞赏。

In the photo, Mary Ann Firehammer, is one of several volunteers who help run the Dodge County Food Pantry. As people and boxes were coming and going, we snapped this photo and she was very happy to accept the check on behalf of the food pantry.

The Dodge County Food Pantry is co-located with the Dodge County St. Vincent De Paul in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.


阿帕奇被海狸坝学区授予荣誉称号 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-is-honored-by-beaver-dam-school-district?postid=18 一般 2016年11月14日星期一21:07:09 GMT < /p>  我们为高中的技术教育项目捐赠了不锈钢材料和设备,与青年项目合作,振兴了青年学徒计划。 < p>

照片中,从左起:Steve vessey区主管,Chad prive -Apache安全经理,Devon prive -Apache学徒,Max Smith-Apache学徒,海狸坝高中的Joe kutzler工程和技术教育家,Jackie Wanie-Apache, Melissa Kasper-Apache和Pam Korth -Apache人力资源经理。

18 Apache提供大规模激光切割服务 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-serves-up-large-scale-laser-cutting?postid=9 一般 2015年12月8日星期二20:25:00格林尼治时间 < p风格= " text-align:中心;”大型激光切割

Apache&rsquo的设施提供两台4000瓦数控激光切割机。这些激光器定期处理1/2″厚材料和图案尺寸达120″x 156 ';。这是威斯康辛州中部地区最大的切割桌之一。< / p >

While we use the laser for Apache’s tank jobs, we also take on external contract manufacturing jobs like large mobile trailer channels and roof skins. Our turnaround time for most contract manufacturing orders is 10 business days.

If you have a large scale cutting project, give Cory Buchholz a call at 920-887-8177 or email him at cory.buchholz@apachestainless.com.

阿帕奇坦克头提供极端合规的制药处理器 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-tank-heads-deliver-extreme-compliance-to-pharmaceutical-processors?postid=8 一般 2015年12月1日星期二20:19:00 GMT < p风格= " text-align:中心;”Apache最近完成了一份20多辆特种坦克的订单,该订单是为一家制药公司准备的。11种不同的设计是在严格的卫生要求和管理条例指导下生产的。

定制水箱头:< p>

  • ASME 24”中心安装搅拌器的压力通道,内外机械抛光,
  • 核黄素测试与增值税(供应商验收测试)

了解更多关于我们的 < / >。< / p > 8 阿帕奇坦克捐赠为MATC学生的生物工程职业生涯做准备 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-tank-donation-prepares-matc-students-for-bio-engineering-careers?postid=4 一般 2013年5月21日星期二18:42:00格林威治时间 < img src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kJ9uOFHYLNs" frameborder="0">< img src=" 0" src=" 0" src=" 0" src=" 0" frameborder="0">该项目所用的油罐由阿帕奇不锈钢设备公司(Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation)捐赠,该生物柴油系统也将在大学博览会和教育推广活动上展出。< / p >

The Madison College engineering students were tasked with developing a system that was capable of blending biodiesel with petro-diesel and fuel additives for improved performance in extreme seasonal temperatures. The students also had to design around safety, transportability, power and budget constraints. Apache was one of several equipment manufacturers to donate components to the project.

“Apache is committed to build strong community ties where we live, work and go to school,” says Ed Paradowski, Apache President, “being part of this project not only helps Madison College engineering students, it also helps with the overall promotion of education in the field of fabrication and manufacturing.”

As a group, students engineered the blending system from start to finish. Apache supplied a 60 gallon, pickle passivated stainless tank with a vent fitting according to their design and specifications. The welding, fabrication, plumbing and electrical was all accomplished by the introductory engineering students at Madison College.

Apache serves the biofuel industry with many types of specialized tanks, including: distillation columns, evaporators, ASME vessels, API-650 Vessels, clad vessels, custom mix tanks and storage tanks. The Apache facility in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin is fully equipped with machines and processes for shearing, forming, welding, rolling and in-house head making. The company also provides finishing capabilities, including automated mechanical polishing, electro-polishing and passivation. Another facility in Plover, Wisconsin produces carbon steel tanks and equipment.

Apache定制不锈钢罐支持Sanimax不断增长的生物燃料产业 //www.fitcoachu.com/news/blog/apache-custom-stainless-tanks-support-growing-biofuel-industry-for-sanimax?postid=3 一般 2013年5月6日星期一格林尼治时间15:13:00 < img src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/h250t55233Y" frameborder="0">< img src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/h250t55233Y" frameborder="0">位于威斯康星州DeForest的Sanimax工厂致力于100%可再生生物柴油的加工。在过去的一个月里,阿帕奇公司通过供应一个常压不锈钢罐和三个压力容器来满足他们增加产能的需求。< / p >

According to IFP Energies, a public sector research and education center for energy, transport and the environment, Americans are taking an interest in alternative fuels. The center’s 2012 report states that USA has been the world’s leading producer and consumer of biofuels since 2007. Sanimax responds to that growth by increasing production capacity.

The most recent custom stainless steel tank supplied by Apache was used for fuel storage. The tank was constructed from stainless steel with exterior insulation and aluminum cladding. The tank increased storage capacity for Sanimax by 30,000 gallons. The 132” diameter, 45 ft. high and 19,000 lb. atmospheric tank was API 650 rated. Apache provided in-house insulation and aluminum cladding of the tank and was shipped via Apache truck.

Apache serves the biofuel industry with many types of specialized tanks, including: distillation columns, evaporators, ASME vessels, API-650 Vessels, clad vessels, custom mix tanks and storage tanks. The Apache facility in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin is fully equipped with machines and processes for shearing, forming, welding, rolling and in-house head making. The company also provides finishing capabilities, including automated mechanical polishing, electro-polishing and passivation. Another facility in Plover, Wisconsin produces carbon steel tanks and equipment.

Apache appreciates the partnership with Sanimax and their cooperation in telling this story!
