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Apache提供了用来从油中分离水的蒸发器。在这个过程中,注入的水被从地下抽出来,经过净化,再以蒸汽的形式抽回地下。 The steam breaks up and “melts” the oil off the sand trapped in the ground. The oil mixture is then pumped through the evaporators where Apache installed over 3,000 2” diameter tubes into each evaporator. Inside the tubes, the oil and water fluid is subjected to heated steam, which causes the water to turn to steam and the oil separates and falls down the tubes, hence the name falling film evaporator. The separated oil then collects in a pipe where the oil is extracted. The steam is used to go back into the ground as it is now clean to comply with environmental concerns. The process is a continuous loop.
The two large evaporators were delivered utilizing five transports. The evaporators were split in half for transportation purposes, as the heaviest portion containing the tubes weighed over ¼ million pounds for each evaporator. Apache is one of the few vessel manufacturers that can handle this size of evaporator. We have close to 350,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facilities and an extensive, cross-trained staff of experienced fabricators that are flexible to work on various types of vessels, applications and materials.
Located in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation serves the fuel industry with many types of specialized tanks, including: distillation columns, evaporators, ASME vessels, API-650 vessels, clad vessels, custom mix tanks and storage tanks.